This shoot is a 2022 highlight FOR SURE! I was a little worried at first when I saw Colleen’s (founder) email, because on the contact form, it described the company as a recruiting company, and my genius zone was definitely creative small business niche. But after taking a quick look at their social+ website, I realized that Linchpin Co is creative, albeit in a different way than my copywriting clients, writers, and artists. And it’s a fun challenge to show off how different Linchpin is from the typical boring company you might think of when someone says “recruiter.”
Their team has such an amazing energy about them- I left their shoot feeling like I could breathe fire, and was unquestionably in the presence of these four women all day. They are passionate about what they do, and they are relentlessly looking for the right match between the company and the employees, and help train employees within the company. Just hearing their casual conversation during filming about how they find and pursue prospects is a lot more interesting than I thought.
We started out in a GORGEOUS natural light studio in downtown Vancouver- seriously, I would fly back to Canada *only* for that studio. We spent the first quarter of their full day shooting taking team shots + head shots in front of a white cyc wall (much smoother process than setting up a white seamless paper backdrop!), then we moved on to a scenic spot atop a mountain for the rest of the day’s content. .
On the lighting note, I was quite nervous when I first saw how much direct light was coming in through the large windows throughout the house, but I’m actually obsessed with the warmer direct look. Overall, BC has won over my light loving heart.
Colleen, Sarah, Samantha & Colleen, loved meeting you all and seeing you on my camera! I can’t wait to see the new website launch, and seeing how much you’ve used your photos makes me SO happy! Whether you realize it or not, shoulder to shoulder with an amazing team filled my tank to overflowing- I’m already hoping that we’ll be doing it again soon :).
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