Some of the best food photography blogs not only offer inspiration but also provide solid tips and practical advice. In fact, for those looking to master the basic techniques of food photography, most of the important info can be found online. Check out our list of the best food photography blogs to learn practical food photography skills.
Those wishing to learn food photography are often faced with a dilemma, whether they should enroll in a food photography course or try to teach themselves. With so many great free resources out there, you might ask what’s the point of taking a food photography course.
But while there really is a lot of good info out there, it’s important to remember that most of these blogs are offering food photography tips for free in hopes of getting you to sign up for one of their own courses or workshops (okay, they have to cover their expenses somehow). . Then obviously, they’re going to withhold some of the most important information, otherwise it’s pointless for anyone to upgrade to the paid version.
Nonetheless, the free tips and advice that some of these blogs offer can be very helpful for beginners. At the very least, they can be a great way to get some basic knowledge under your belt beforehand, thus being in a better position to get the most out of a course.
And who knows, in some cases, the paid or subscription food photography lessons offered by these blogs might even be worth it. Here at Best Food Photography, we have no first-hand experience of the premium content offered by any of the sites we reviewed here. However, we can say that if we were in the market for something like that, we would put our trust (and money) in some of these blogs more than others.
Most of the blogs we feature here are clearly run by knowledgeable people with genuine professional food photography experience, so they most likely offer decent quality. paid workshop etc. However, judging by the quality of the free content provided, another content or two would not be worth investing a fortune in (or, frankly, even worth just providing your email address). Even if they are free, they are fine. Especially if you’re just starting out.
With this little caveat, which food photography blogs are currently the best for learning about the creative and technical aspects of food photography?
The Best Food Photography Blogs To Learn Food Photography
Food Photography Blog
A great resource for beginner and intermediate food photographers. The Food Photography blog features many articles containing well-informed – if not super sophisticated – advice on shooting food photography and running a food photography business. Articles are written in a simple, informal style that never insults the reader’s intelligence, while remaining accessible and easy to understand. The site is also run by an active and experienced professional food photographer – LA-based Christina Peters – so you can rest assured that the info provided is of real value.
On the downside, we’re not all that enthusiastic about mass-market web design, but the truth is that this is unlikely to put most people off (actually, quite the opposite). The only major annoyance, then, is one pop-up window the first time you land on the site. But these are easy to ignore and luckily don’t come back to bother you every time you click on another page. Be prepared to give up your data if you want a “free” e-book.
The Food Photography blog seems to be updated a few times each month and most of the posts are helpful and enlightening, so it’s important to check back for new material regularly. Without a doubt one of the best food photography blogs out there. Recommended!
A Guide to Food and Style Photography
A fairly recent addition to the food photography blogging niche, the Food Photography Guide appears to exist mostly for the purpose of selling food photography lessons and Lightroom presets (there’s another “welcome” pop-up that prompts your data). But the site also offers a number of free food guides and tutorials on its blog to entice you.
If you’re just starting out, there’s quite a lot of good advice to be found here, and the tone of the articles is catchy and the content clear. Definitely one to watch out for in the future.
Studio Dua Cinta
Two Loves (probably food and photography) is run by Rachel Korinek, an enthusiastic and helpful blogger based in Melbourne, Australia. Rachel provides lots of tips on food and style photography, all delivered in a clear and engaging way. He also takes great pleasure in engaging with readers; offer lots of feedback and suggestions in the comments section below.
All in all this is a good quality, active blog that is clearly trying – and indeed succeeding – to become a food photography authority. While some may find the blatant commercialism and best-everyone tone of the writing a little disturbing, the information offered is consistently high quality. Indeed, it is a very serious contender for the title of best food photography blog and is well worth visiting again and again.
Like most of these sites, Two Loves offers free food photography courses in exchange for your soul.
We eat together
We Eat Together – run by another pro LA food photographer, Skyler Burt – is a font of genuine food photography knowledge from someone who clearly knows what he’s talking about. While the writing and layout of the pages can be a little confusing at times (often there are too many fonts at once), it’s worth sticking with, as Skyler turns out to be a seasoned photographer with lots of useful food photography tips to share. And while he is knowledgeable about the technical side of food photography, he’s thankfully not too keen on dental lust.
Again, this blog does not offer free tips that are solely for the good of humanity: in this case the product being pushed is a food photography “masterclass” video. That said, there’s a good pile of free info here, and we can fully recommend We Eat Together specifically for advice on food photography composition, lighting, and gear.
Shoot Chef
Shoot The Cook is run by Laura, a Dublin-based product designer by day, who shares some of her food photography tips along with lots of recipes. Obviously Laura is still working on a lot of this for herself, but if you are too then it can be very helpful to go along for the journey with her.
We also dig into his hands-on, make-do-with-what-you-ve-got approach to food photography:
All you need to take great photos is a great spirit and a small space no bigger than a school desk.
Yes, that and a little talent and a lot of hard work. But we applaud that same sentiment, and Laura’s blog clearly shows that you can achieve a lot with not much.
Most articles to date have covered very simple beginner topics (the rule of thirds, for example), but Laura explains the concept clearly and her text is accompanied by lots of helpful diagrams.
The food doesn’t always look the most authentic (admittedly we saw one pasta dish that had average Miss Italiana raised his hands in the air anxiously), but if you’re just starting out on the food photography path then Laura’s lighting tips and list of essential food photography equipment can be a great source of info and encouragement.
Learn Food Photography
So, like, a few days ago. Or last week?
It wasn’t that long ago anyway.
That’s me. Just looking at the internet.
That’s right, the internet. Yes!
And like, there’s some words and stuff. Maybe even some pictures too.
Yes! Taking pictures! Isn’t the picture like, absolutely awesome?
Anyway, there I searched the internet.
And I found this blog.
Or is it a website?
Alright, let’s call it a blog for now, shall we? And it’s talking about, like, food photography and all that crazy stuff.
And, so, like, I literally read all these words and things.
And I thought maybe that person must have been like…12 years.
And suffers from acute ADD.
And I feel sorry for the guy.
‘Because you know, I’d also feel really bad if my private Whatsapp messages somehow ended up on the internet by accident and people started, like…reading them.
Not to everyone’s taste, but be our guest…
Weird Table
The Freaky Table is a rather pretentious blog run by a not-so-humble Italian photographer and ceramicist who loves heavy Photoshop vignetting.
We’re not really selling it, are we?
Stay with us, because the author, Zaira, is definitely a pro at photography. Especially the more artistic side. And interspersed between her self-indulgent musings on the changing seasons in her “aristocratic” villa garden, glorified vacation snaps, and country-bohemian postures, there are actually some interesting ideas on food photography to be found on The pages of Freaky Table.
Despite just scraping our list of the best food photography blogs, The Freaky Table has something none of the other sites we reviewed here have been able to offer: a more artistic and philosophical approach to shooting food photography. Anyone hoping to learn about f-stops and ISO settings will only be disappointed. Instead, come here for insight into the thinking and attitudes behind the more creative side of food photography.
And this time the site owner is not selling anything.
Besides himself.
So there you have it. These are what we consider to be the best food photography blogs for learning the art of food photography out there right now.
Of course, in addition to that, you’ll also find lots of good technical info on food photography on many of the more general photography websites like Fstoppers and Digital Photography School, etc. However their posts tend to lack depth, and there is a lot to be said for having a site that you can visit regularly for updates as you progress with your own photography.
Check out some for yourself, and maybe you’ll find a new mentor for your food photography!
Tell Us The Best Food Photography Blogs According To You
What do you think of our list of the best food photography blogs? Did we miss a blog that offers valuable food photography knowledge? Let us know in the comments below!