I really don’t know why Ed Sheeran’s “Castle on the Hill” came to mind when passing the medieval Mauterndorf Castle during my evening stroll today. But somehow it stuck in my brain, so I kept singing it silently….
“I am on the way
Driving on the 90’s on that country lane
Sing for Tiny Dancer
And I miss the way you make me feel, and it’s real
As we watched the sun set over the castle on the hill”
In fact the 11th century castle sits on a hill above the old mountain town of Mauterndorf in the Austrian Alps, but you only realize it when you see it from below (see image after jump). But I prefer the black and white version (don’t iPhones take cool monochrome photos?) better for the post title image 😉
After a really stressful December for us (for various reasons), The Significant Other, Big Boy and myself finally went and ventured into the Austrian Alps to spend the days until New Years with good friends in their mountain home in the Lungau region. Poor Big Girl has to stay, as a brave hospital nurse she has to work shifts for nine days straight 🙁
At least he didn’t miss skiing, because there wasn’t much snow left. It’s very warm and the last serious snow has fallen four weeks ago. Back home in Germany, the weekend forecast calls for 20 degrees celsius (68 Fahrenheit), which will set a new record for December. Crazy times indeed.
Didn’t have much time for photography this year. The camera is in the house too often, but at least the iPhone is always in the pocket for a quick shot when something catches the eye. Like pillars of snow neatly arranged under the roof of the shed we passed this afternoon.
Wrapping up another year, I’m now going to dive into the Lightroom 2022 archives and look for some highlights for my closing post of what has been an absolutely crazy year.
Enjoy the last weekend in 2022
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