A rainy day in Genoa gave me time to edit my photos from our last trip to Seville. I found one of the peacocks that was featured in the previous post. Not only does this picture show, the perfect camouflage that its plumage provides for this amazing bird in its natural habitat, the rainforest. But the photo also shows the things my eyes are constantly scanning while wandering the streets. I’m always looking for interesting combinations of light and shadow, color and texture. I do this too when I don’t even have a camera with me (which practically never happens, at least my iPhone and camera are always with me). This is what I call my daily visual push-up. In this photo, it all comes together. Bringing home pictures like these after a long day of shooting gives me immense satisfaction.
Taken with my Leica SL2-S with Vario-Elmarit-SL 1:2.8/24-70 ASPH. Image specifications are 1/400 sec. @ f/8 and ISO 200, 70mm focal length. Post-processing (brightening shadows) in Lightroom Classic.
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Have a nice Wednesday
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Hanging there